00214, 00876, 01244, 02653, 02706, 02714, 02809, 02868, 04900, 05078, 05115, 05190, 05599, 05775, 08082, 08404, 08462,08738, 09240, 10136, 10178, 10236, 10330, 10792, 10805, 10889, 11050, 11075, 11153, 11228, 11341, 11350, 11899, 13872, 14980, 15028, 15032, 15195, 15327, 15429, 15432, 15447, 15683, 16220, 16230, 16305, 17127, 17283,17294, 17485, 17584, 17683, 17894, 17987, 18047, 18165, 18259, 18444, 18455, 18477, 18746, 18748, 18784, 20554, 20797, 20913, 20995, 21154, 21500, 21748, 22625, 22642, 22768, 22891, 22903, 22969, 23015, 23122, 23219, 23235, 23288, 23306, 23496, 23637, 23649, 23662, 23714, 23715, 24104, 25171, 25711, 25820, 26100, 26204, 27084, 27513, 27521, 27533, 27848, 27943, 28068, 28127, 28195, 28264, 28679, 29556, 29623, 29936, 30472, 30684, 31932, 31966, 32015, 32332, 32376, 33138, 33250, 33521, 33743, 33914, 34173, 34203, 34364, 35847, 35880, 36097, 36144,36208, 37105, 37570, 38209, 38267, 38524, 38782, 38788, 39838, 40106, 40576, 40702, 41802, 42557, 42796, 42959, 43505, 43823, 44515, 44530, 44535, 44838, 45111, 45263, 45274, 45276, 45281, 45380, 45402, 45412, 45428, 45531, 45802, 45823, 45857, 45987, 46145, 46523, 46625, 46629, 47556, 47711, 48171, 48209, 48263, 48809, 48932, 48983, 49859, 49974, 50015, 50404, 50588, 50856, 51304, 51345, 51415, 51447, 51624, 51749, 51840, 51922, 52048, 52069, 52077, 53355, 53811, 54169, 54342, 54546, 54594, 55150, 55529, 56380, 56402, 57164, 58275,58463, 58544, 58735, 59482, 59968, 60067, 60221, 60633, 61518, 62279, 62754, 63141, 63266, 63419, 63535, 63567, 63732, 63780, 63936, 64301, 66019, 66082, 66192, 66430, 66528, 66530, 66532, 67056, 67669, 67674, 67714, 67716, 67758, 68159, 68254, 68459, 68550, 68699, 69041, 69086, 69107, 69141,69152, 69370, 69787, 69982, 70044, 70100, 70132, 70202, 70269, 70355, 70897, 71226, 71497, 72137, 73105 = 261
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List of primarily selected candidates for the post of Assistant Director(General side)[written exam held on 26th April, 2013]
Sunday, March 2, 2014
List of primarily selected candidates for the post of Assistant Director(General side)[written exam held on 26th April, 2013]
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