Saturday, January 11, 2014

General Knowledge Model Questions for Bank and other Jobs

1. The last independent Sultan of Bangal – Ghiyasuddin Mahmud Shah
2. The Chittagong hill tracts peace accord was signed in -1997
3. The Portuguese arrived at Chittagong and received trade permit for the first time in -1498
4. The last Mughal emperor – Bahadur Shah
5. The highest gallant award in Bangladesh – Birsheshtho
6. The value added Tax introduced in Bangladesh in – 1 july 1991
7. The headquarter of CIRDAP is in – Dhaka
8. The first parliamentary election of Bangladesh was held in -1973
9. The governance structure of Bangladesh is – parliamentary
10. Bangladesh Bank was established in -1971
11. Bangladesh got the membership of the United Nations is in- 1974
12. The constitution of Bangladesh has been amended -15 times
13. Architect of National Parliament Bhaban was – Lui Kan
14. Number of districts in Bangladesh have border with India -30
15. The country introduced the concept of SAARC – Bangladesh
16. The first paper mill established in Bangladesh is – Karnaphuli paper mills
17. Rice Research Institute (BRRI) is located in – Gazipur
18. The first African country to recognize Bangladesh as an independent country –Senegal
19. Bay of Bengal is in – Indian Ocean.
20. The river which divides Bangladesh and Myanmar – the Naf
21. The president of the National Assembly of Bangladesh – Speaker
22. The present governor of Bangladesh Bank is –Dr. Atiur Rahman
23. The largest importer of Bangladeshi product is – USA
24. The Mujib Nagar Government was formed on – April 10,1971
25. NAEM stands for – National Academy for Educational Management
26. The largest Division in Bangladesh is – Chittagong
27. The head of the government of Bangladesh is – Prime Minister
28. The designer of our national flag – Kamrul Hasan
29. The first European country recognized Bangladesh as an independent country is – Poland
30. Articles of the constitution of Bangladesh remain under suspension during the period of emergency are – 36,37,38,39,40,42

General Knowledge Model Questions for Bank and other Jobs Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ripon Abu Hasnat


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