Wednesday, January 15, 2014

English Literature Questions for Bank and other Jobs

1. Protagonist indicates -the leading character in a play
2. A sonnet is a poem having fourteen lines
3. ‘Blank Verse’ is a kind of verse -having no rhyming end
4. The real name of O. Henry is William Sydney Porter.
5. ‘To Daffodils’ is written by – Robert Herrick
6. Goethe is the greatest poet of – Germany
7. The author of the book ‘Asian Drama‘is – Gunnar Myrdal
8. ‘A Passage to India’ is written by – E.M Forster
9. William Blake was both -a poet and painter
10. The full name of the tragedy ‘Dr. Faustus’ – The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus
11. ‘To be or not to be’ is the beginning of a famous soliloquy from – Hamlet.
12. The father of English PoemGeoffrey Chaucer
13. Francis Bacon is an – Essayist
14. ‘Renaissance’ means – the revival of learning
15. Elizabethan tragedy is centered on – Revenge
16. Most famous satirist in English literatureJonathan Swift
17. A lexicographer is a person who writes – dictionaries
18. The father of English Novel – Daniel Defoe
19. The English Poet who addicted to opiumS.T. Coleridge
20. The Golden Age of English Literaturethe Elizabethan Age

English Literature Questions for Bank and other Jobs Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ripon Abu Hasnat


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